Sun Dial Menu
Belchamp Walter Parish Council

Mobile Navigation

The banner at the top of the mobile rendering of this page takes the visitor to the home page.

The text in the banner could be changed programatically. This could be when the page is scrolled and back to its original when the gototop has been clicked.

If left as an anchor tag the text is element.innerHTML


The question is can I change 2 ids at the same time? - No need 2 ids and therefore 4 functions. However, only need to change banner on mobile rendering

The page is test in mobile rendering

The banner and the navigation should change with the button.

Need to look at the onscroll event.

The addition of the "Home" icon to the banner seems to be incompatible with the functions to change the link.

There is a danger here of putting too much on the page. Most visitors will not notice or more likely understand!!!


This needs to be looked at - I haven't updated them on my main site.

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