BWPC - FoBWc - QR Codes
QR Code for E-news sign-up
QR Code for VH survey
There is a button above that only appears on a desktop screen
This page is a test of a new template for the Parish Council.
There should be a fixed top menu that has the banner "Belchamp Walter Parish Council".
I could change the colours to make this look diferent to my main site.
The menu options need to be update as per the page.
The code for a mailto: link
This is detailed on my main site. Basically it is the contruction of the well-known mailto: hyperlink (anchor tag) with an email address (obviously) with a subject and a body argument
QR ode for Friends Membership
When I created this (2020 - 2021 or 2022) I pointed it to friends.html.
Since that time I have done a lot more work on the formating of pages and I have now placed a redirect to fobwc.html.
The page that the QR originally pointed is now friends_new.html. While I have not given up on this format, as it features Monika's flyer front cover it was not up-to-date and this only came to light when a quizzer scanned the QR code on the 8th March 2024. The old Friends page then pointed to the old plant/bake sale (27th May 2023 - not that the year was on the poster). The poster was viewed as was the membership form.
The Friends Facebook Page
This was an opportunity to review.