The Bootstrap Framework
When attempting to understand the setTimeout with respect to making a Timed Alert Modal I am of the current opinion that the use of Bootstrap and jQuery maybe the place to start.
The setTimeout() is also used in my slideshow control and has many other ecamples throughout my code. It would nake sense that I can work out how to use it to control the alert() dialog.
The Bubbling and Capturing page on my main website uses the alert dialog to show the event propogation through the DOM but it is a little cumbersome in that it requires input from the user. It would be far better to have a timed modal. This modal will have a short timeout and display the bubblig and capturing automatically.
I will try and make a "Bootstrap" version of the demo even though there is some interaction between the frameworks.
While this modal seems to work it is involked from a button.
The script seems to be "fired" when an element with the id="modal" and data-toggle="modal" is clicked.
While this may not work for the bubbling and capturing example it may work for the Friends Signup
The bubbling and capturing: