Timed Alert

I have a requirement for an alert or modal dialog that I can control with the respect to the time that it displays. The alert() function is modal and to close it the user has to do this manually.

I do have a timed modal on my main website using the Bootstrap Framework. This also uses the JQuery library.

It also uses a Template Literal - which I need to understand in greater depth. (Page has a pre tag as well). The timing of the timed model uses a Template Literal.



The process was successful


The example above uses a W3.css class button and sets the parentElement's style to 'none' when the X is pressed.

As the "close" button is a child of the div it is expedient to use the parentElement. To get the dialog to close from a function I need to give the div an id and then use the elementId to identify it and hide it.

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