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BWPC - Technical

Search Engine Optimisation

The Parish Council does not need SEO. The website can be found making an Internet search due to the unique name of its name. It can also be found by searching for "Belchamp Walter".

A general search for "Belchamp Walter" will find the website but it will not be at the top of the search result. Searching for "Belchamp Walter Parish Council" will have the site listed at the top the page.

Items that are specifically mentioned on the Parish Counci website will be found as the webmaster submits the pages to Google to be indexed. Things featured in the E-News and events in the village will also be potentially found.

Pages on this website will be indexed by search engines, as are all websites, the time this takes can be a feature of the SEO applied to the website.


Submitting pages for index

When I started to add content to this website created a page for the Village Hall. This page was indexed and was found in preference to the "official" Village Hall website.

I added a NOINDEX tag to the page, requested that it be removed from Google's index and removed the page from the server. I have now added it back without a NOINDEX but I have yet to ask for a re-index.

One of the things that the Wordpress website cannot do (without paying for an add-on) is to allow the submission of pages for indexing by Google.


The reports generated by GSC give a clue to what visitors to a website are looking for, if anything.

PDF files seem to attact visits, agenda/agenda170221.pdf, as they are indexed and are accessed directly.

The following generate many impressions (Feb 2024) "Water boreholes" - Well drilling - Residential contractors.

The Future

I am contemplating moving the History and other local stuff to the Parish Council server. The visits to my main site are mainly those looking for obscure technical topics or looking for where Lovejoy was filmed!

Cases where there are "hits" to local stuff, including Church Crawler stuff should really be here. I am not tracking on this server at the moment and am trying not to access the main site via the Internet. I can make changes by analysis of visits to the main site and make the changes on the local copy and upload these to the server.

I may remove Lovejoy and CBB pages from my main site.

Things not indexed

I have not applied SEO to all the pages on this website. Some of the pages will find their way into Google's index as they will be found by "normal" means, some I have submitted manually, like this page.

Things that are not turning up in searches:

  • Village Hall Events
    • Quiz Night - 8th March 2024
    • Race Night - Saturday 13th April 2024
    • Craft Fair - Saturday 15th June 2024
    • Champagne and Hors d’oeuvres - Fizz and Canapes on the Lawn - Belchamp Hall - Saturday 6th July
  • .well-known/traffic-advice
  • Installing Zoom on a Windows computer running S-Mode
  • we received your request for a single-use code to use with your microsoft account
  • county broadband reviews
  • where was lovejoy filmed
  • topographic survey belchamp walter
  • Taste of Sudbury - Taste of East Anglia - Kentwell Hall

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